Holsworthy Beekeepers

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Holsworthy Beekeepers is a branch of Devon Beekeepers Association

Registered Charity Number 270675

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Advantages of membership:

Membership subscriptions 2023


Annual Subscription


Full registered member


Full benefits

Partner Member


For those who live at the same address as a full registered member. Includes Public Liability Insurance but Partner members pay a different rate for BDI and do not receive the magazines.

Junior Member


For individuals under the age of 18. Includes all the benefits of Registered membership, except eligibility for standing for a branch officer or committee. Also Juniors pay a different rate for BDI.

Local member


For those individuals who do not keep bees in their own right in the County of Devon, who are generally interested in the craft of beekeeping and may wish to participate in DBKA activities, belong to a Branch, and receive Beekeeping Magazine, or are already a BBKA member with another Area Association.

Note: The full membership includes insurance provided by Bee Diseases Insurance (BDI) for up to 3 hives. Extra premiums are required for more than 3 hives (see membership form for details).

How to join

The membership year runs from January to December and we normally start to take subscriptions from both new and existing members in November. All enquiries should be sent to Deirdre Conniss at treasurer@holsworthybeekeepers.org.uk

Meanwhile all are very welcome to attend any of our meetings as guests, you don't have to be a member, although we hope that you will join when membership opens in November.