Holsworthy Beekeepers
Holsworthy Beekeepers is a branch of Devon Beekeepers Association
Registered Charity Number 270675
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Throughout the year the branch hosts a variety of events with the aim of supporting members with their beekeeping and also to entertain them. The main events are:
Winter meetings
From September to March the branch holds monthly meetings on topics of beekeeping and related issues. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month and are held at 'The Stables', Chilsworthy Methodist Chapel, EX22 7BH. Details of the current series of meetings can be found at branch calendar.
Summer meetings
Dunsland Throughout the spring and summer, members meet every other Sunday afternoon at the new branch apiary at Dunsland House (EX22 7AA), approximately 5 miles east of Holsworthy, see map. Details of the apiary meetings can be found at branch calendar.
At these meetings the members help out the Apiary Manager with the regular work necessary to run a successful colonies of bees. There is also an opportunity for us all to learn from each other and discuss problems and solutions we have found at our own apiaries. Note that the branch has adopted a policy of 'clean gloves'. This means that all members should wear clean gloves and that leather gloves (unless they are new and reserved for the branch apiary) will not be allowed. Disposable latex gloves will be available.
NBU The National Bee Unit (NBU) is funded by FERA and other government bodies to protect the honey bee by research, inspection and supporting all beekeepers. NBU organise the national system of Bee Inspectors, both full- great deal of information for beekeepers and all are urged to register at Beebase.
Once registered, the beekeeper will be able to receive the latest copies of information sheets, up-